Halloween Happenings

November 5, 2014 at 9:33 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

So I’ve kind of been slacking on this whole blog thing. I hope the four or five of you out there who actually read this regularly can forgive me.

Okay, so my Halloween wasn’t nearly as wild and crazy as last year’s (which involved a Hocus Pocus drag show in Boystown and staying out until like 2am on a work night) but it was still pretty fun. My sister and mom came in town for the weekend and they arrived around 9pm on Halloween night. It was a good thing we didn’t really have anything planned because MAN the weather sucked so staying in and hanging out was about the best thing we could do. I had homemade chili and cornbread ready and waiting for them when they arrived and we watched the actual Hocus Pocus when we finished eating. My mom has been living under a rock since 1993 and had somehow never seen it before but we remedied that. I should also mention that my mom is the type of woman who would’ve also appreciated the Hocus Pocus drag show so maybe we can arrange something like that for another time.

On Saturday we had a delicious brunch then I had the bright idea of driving us all to The Field Museum. What my brainiac self didn’t realize was that there was a HUGELY important and weirdly popular rugby game between the New Zealand All Blacks and the US Rugby team and it was taking place next door to the museum, at Soldier Field. I should’ve realized this because I had actually been planning on attending the damn game with some other people from the Field but I totally spaced everything with the arrival of my family. However, I was rudely reminded while we sat in stupid amounts of traffic and dealt with a museum entrance that was entirely closed off. I managed to find us a way in anyway and we got to check out the exhibit we came for but I swear on King Tut’s tomb that if I ever get myself caught in that kind of traffic nightmare again I’m going to just drive into Lake Michigan.

ANYWAY. My sister made us a delicious meal on Saturday night and we watched a few movies while drinking New Orleans style Hurricanes, courtesy of a package of mix we gave Mom for Christmas last year. On Sunday, we had brunch at a different spot (this one featured an all-you-can-drink Bloody Mary bar and the gods know that was nice), then we visited with a few of my friends before doing a bunch of shopping all through the neighborhood. We grabbed dinner later and watched that crazy dude who tightrope walked over the Chicago River, then basically sat around my living room and just enjoyed each other’s company. Also, I should mention my sister was the first one to fall asleep every night – my mom can still drink us both under the table!

I would totally pay my sister to be my live-in chef but she doesn't accept bubble gum wrappers and IOU's as payment.

I would totally pay my sister to be my live-in chef but she doesn’t accept bubble gum wrappers and IOU’s as payment.

The whole weekend was a lot of fun and it went way too fast. It’s always hard for me when my family leaves because I seriously do enjoy spending time with them and it hurts that I don’t get to do so more often. At least it’s only a 5.5 hour drive, right? Right?! And I’ll be for sure seeing them again at Christmas, so that’s something.

Something else I know for sure? I’ll be checking the live traffic patterns before I ever drive to the museum again.

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