Super Sprain!

July 7, 2017 at 12:48 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Apparently I am super awesome at spraining my ankles. Who knew? Certainly not me, at least until last weekend.

I was at a friend’s birthday BBQ and we were playing around with some hula hoops in her front yard. I may or may not have had some wine and during one of my incredibly graceful jumps, I somehow managed to land on the outside of each my ankles, immediately spraining them both. At the time, I wasn’t really feeling the pain and blew off Scott’s attempts to get me to the ER. I figured with a little bit of ice and a good night’s rest, I would be good as new.

And I was wrong.

I woke up Sunday to feet that looked like they belonged to a Hobbit (minus the hair). They were huge and turning colors so Scott took me to the Immediate Care, where we had immediate memories of going when Scott broke his foot last year. As a side note – I will forever and always regret how I didn’t initially take his injury seriously and I fully believe that my own current misfortune is payback/karma/my comeuppance. Anyway, they did some x-rays and luckily nothing was broken but just about everything was sprained. So I was sent home looking like this:


I am so full of grace and agility I can’t even walk

This meant all of last weekend was spent on the couch and while Scott watched some fireworks in the neighborhood park and sent me video, it just wasn’t the same. So much for a fun holiday weekend but at least I’ve cleaned up my Netflix queue! It was also especially awesome because our big office move is this week and I was a Move Coordinator, meaning I was supposed to check out 120 people on my floor over two days before they could be allowed to leave. This is something we’ve been planning and working on for years so my sudden incapacitation couldn’t have come at a better time. My checkouts obviously weren’t going to happen unless I somehow acquired a jet pack but at least I had a few people step up (haha get it) to help me out. This week has been long and painful but it’s almost over and next week we’ll all be settled into our brand new building and all of this will finally be over! And here’s hoping I can get off these damn crutches soon because they suck and I hate them and if my ankles don’t heal soon I’m investing in a Hoveround. Then I’ll be free to see the world!

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