35 and Stayin’ Alive

February 13, 2019 at 8:41 pm (Uncategorized) ()

I turned 35 on February 4. How in the holy hell did that happen?! I know I’ve had white hair since I was 24 and all but this growing older thing never really does slow down, does it? Eh, I guess that’s okay. I’m pretty content with where things are and wouldn’t really want to go back to where I was back then anyway!

It was a solid birthday and a solid weekend before the fact as well. The Big Day itself fell on a Monday and the Friday before I had my book club (yes! Book Club still exists and has been going strong for almost a decade now!) and we went to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. We were all assigned to read A Book, as in any book we could get could get through, because that’s how we sometimes roll. Anyway after book club a few of my favorite ladies came back to hang at our place for a while, drinking wine, chatting, and listening to tunes (sidenote: apparently my husband is a huge George Michael fan and I love that I still learn new things like that about him after nearly 8 years). So Friday was great and Saturday I was treated to a fancy hotel suite downtown by said adorable husband and got to enjoy jacuzzi baths with fancy cupcake-shaped bath bombs, fancy dinner and drinks, great company and Netflix from a king size bed. It was glorious. I did the typical weekend chores of a grown ass 35 year old woman on Sunday and I straight up took the day off on Monday to pamper myself. This may or may not have been because I recently paid off my (enormous and awful) student loans and so I had lots of things to celebrate. So I slept in, had two cocktails at lunch with my book (Scott was in class), and then laid around all day. I was going to treat myself to a manicure but took a nap instead, because apparently I was worn out from all that relaxation. It was just about the perfect way to ring in my 35th rotation around the sun!


Appetizers (I wasn’t kidding about the brunch).

I must say I really am happy, surprised, satisfied, and content with where I am at this age. I didn’t  envisioned it much growing up and always sort of assumed I’d be a teacher and pop out a bunch of kids. Which would have made me happy, surprised, satisfied, and content in an entirely different way, had it happened. But it didn’t and I love this life of corporate and civic philanthropy and petting a bunch of cats instead. There’s no right way or wrong way but the path I’ve managed to make has been pretty amazing and I’m looking forward to what the next year will bring!


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