Crummy Crown

April 26, 2017 at 2:23 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Remember when I had to go to the dentist for the worst appointment ever, when I was super hungover and had to have a crown put on my back molar? No? Well, I do and the horror of that evening will always reside deep within my heart. However I tried to put it behind me and had mostly succeeded – I even managed to get through my most recent, routine dental appointment last month with nothing more damaging than some plaque removal so I figured I was all set. That is, until this week.


Maybe I should just get a gold grill instead. Problem solved!

I was enjoying a fancy Cuban-pressed sandwich for lunch with a friend who happened to be in town when I felt it. A tooth. My thoughts went like this: Oh my GOD that’s a tooth and I don’t think I lost one. Is that someone else’s tooth?! Like that episode of Friends where Phoebe finds a thumb in her soda can and gets all sorts of rich? AM I ABOUT TO GET RICH QUICK?! Let me fish it out, oh god please don’t let it be a toenail or something like that oh CRAP IT’S MY CROWN! It’s my own freaking tooth and now I’m looking at LOSING money!

My mind works very quickly so I had all of these thoughts in about 5 seconds, or roughly the time it took to extract my crown from my mouth full of half-chewed food. I was a vision of pure loveliness, I’m sure. So not only was I worried, embarrassed and grossed out by my own damn self but then the raw nerve that had been covered by said crown began to throw a party in my face. Now. I could’ve understood the crown popping out if I was eating a caramel apple or chewing ice or opening bottles with my mouth (which is, by the way, how my genius self obtained the crown to begin with). But I was eating what was essentially a PB&J sandwich so there was just no excuse for it. Technically I was eating a guava jam and fried plantain with peanut butter sandwich but it was all still soft and the damn tooth should have just stayed put. So I got to rinse it off, call my dentist and nicely inform them of how I wasn’t going to pay for this to be fixed and then I spent my Monday evening getting the crown cemented back in my mouth. For free, so that’s something.

One would think that would be all of my health-related excitement for the week but I woke up Tuesday unable to turn my neck to the right because of some apparently funky sleep I had and I also have a bladder infection. So that’s fun and my pee looks like Tang.

At least I didn’t swallow my tooth because the last thing I want to do is explain why my tooth is stained bright orange due to being fished out of my infected urine.

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Happy Birthday Mom!

April 19, 2017 at 1:48 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

Today is the anniversary of my mom’s 21st birthday! I mentioned this to Scott last night and he said, “haven’t we been celebrating her birthday for a month?” and the man had a point. But that’s okay because my momma is so special that she deserves it!


Not me but my sister.

Her trip to Chicago with my sister was part of her birthday celebrations and that was nearly a month ago. We went down to visit her over Easter and we took her out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants, The Chicken House. You know I love my mom when I, a vegetarian, paid for an entire dinner at such a place! We also sang to her on Easter with the rest of the family and then my sister and I had flowers sent to her work today as an extra surprise. You may think that’s going above and beyond for one little lady but trust me – she’s worth it. Here are some of my favorite things about my mom:

  • She refuses to take shit from anyone and passed that trait along to my sister and me
  • She snorts when she laughs (also passed on to me…)
  • She tells it like it is, like the time she told me I may have inadvertently killed my kitten when I stepped on it (“Well, if you did some internal damage it will probably just die…”)
  • She makes the best fried egg sandwiches ever
  • She is clever and has more tricks up her sleeve to improve or simplify one’s life than you could possibly imagine
  • She’s always prepared and her Mary Poppins bag is as handy as it is entertaining to rifle through
  • She’s one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know – and I know quite a few of them
  • She’s pretty smart with her money and that’s something else that I’m glad she passed along to me
  • In fact, I’m pretty happy I inherited just about all of her traits
  • She knows more about plants than I know about the indigenous people of New Zealand. And that’s a lot
  • She’s tougher than dirt and stronger than nails yet she always has on pretty nail polish and has more than her fair share of good hair days
  • She’s a ton of fun and has drunk me under the table on more than one occasion
  • She’s always there for me and one of my very best friends
  • She deserves the whole damn world but I’ll settle for a damn good birthday!

Happy Birthday to my Momma!


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Friday Round-Up

April 7, 2017 at 2:23 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

As usual, my brain has been a little all over the place lately. I’ve been dealing with some family stuff that isn’t exactly fun and while it’s not over yet, some of the biggest hurdles have been crossed. I think. I hope. Because my head is more than a little spazzy, I’m going to let loose with my post to get some stuff out.



It’s been raining for like three weeks and the sun came out today and I had almost forgotten what it looked like. I felt like a vampire and not in the sexy way. However, the juxtaposition of the first sunny day also being the first day our new “President” drops bombs on a struggling country without Congressional approval is somewhat difficult to align. I cried this week watching videos of Syrian children gasping for breath and I cannot imagine seeing that happen to my family. I don’t think there are any good or easy answers to these issues but I don’t see how fighting violence with violence will put an end to violence. Fighting a war for peace is sort of like having sex for the sake of virginity. But I’m not someone who gets to make those decisions so I will sit here and stare at my phone and think “What fresh hell is this” every time I get a new news alert.

What else. There are positive things even in the darkness and today I found some unexpected money that will go to a deserving person. I’m having a good hair day. And I think Scott and I convinced the guys in the apartment we’ll be moving into to move out a day or so early, which will help us save tons of cold hard cash when it comes to hiring our own movers. So that’s a win! I’m working all night at the Field Museum tonight and will get to spend my evening surrounded by excited kids, taxidermied animals and dinosaur bones. So clearly my Friday will be cooler than yours. And it’s going to be warm and STILL sunny this weekend so I plan on enjoying the crap out of our weather.

Also. I have Jury Duty next week for the first time ever and I’m pretty freaking excited about it. I really want to be chosen and am trying to determine a good way to ensure I do so without making the court think I’m a crazy person. I just want to see the judicial system in action and don’t even care if it’s for something like a traffic violation. This is my civic right so let me at it!

I still have great friends and great family and a great husband and I’m trying not to take the good things in my life for granted while I also fight off the bad. That’s all anyone can hope for, right?

And hey, at least it’s Friday!

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