June 14, 2017 at 3:20 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

June is National Pride Month and celebrates the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, etc.) community. And I’m proud to announce that a project I’ve been working on at my office for months will get to debut this month! Pride Alliance is our firm’s newest business resource group for members of the LGBTQ+ community and their supporters (joining a resource group for women and one for veterans) and we are launching it this month. The Pride Alliance is a group of employees committed to enhancing our firm culture, helping with recruiting and talent retention and engaging our community in various philanthropic initiatives. And I’m a Co-Chair of the entire thing! Myself and one other person from another department stepped up to the plate after a general interest meeting was held and we’ve spent the last two months researching, collecting information and creating a business plan for the new BRG. On Monday we presented it to the CEO and other managing partners of the firm – and we were approved!


Be proud every month, not just June

As someone who has identified as pretty queer/bisexual her whole life, I’m obviously a strong supporter of equality everywhere and not just in the workplace. However, even though groups such as this are pretty commonplace nowadays (even in corporate settings), this is still a pretty big deal. Our industry is typically fairly conservative but we’ve had a tremendous amount of support so far and later this week we’ll be sending communications out to the entire firm about the Pride Alliance. I wrote content for an internal website and that will be launched this week too. So it’s pretty exciting and I am PROUD!


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Scouting It Out

June 5, 2017 at 3:06 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Has it really been a month since I last posted? Good gravy on a gravy train, where does the time go?!

It took us nearly this long to finally settle into our new place and after dealing with movers, painters, random kids jumping the fence to our back courtyard and some weird hobo living underneath us in the basement, things have finally started to calm down. So what did we do? Get a kitten, of course!

Meet Scout. Scout was adopted on Friday from PAWS, the same shelter we got The Dude from all those years ago. Scout was originally going to be called Lady until we decided we didn’t like the gender-normative connotations associated with that name and besides, Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, so it just worked. Scout is nosy, hyper and completely freaking adorable, which are all standard kitten qualities.


Scout is clearly making herself at home

Scout and Dude were separated the first night we brought her home but they wound up playing with each other’s paws under the door so we figured they might not completely hate each other. Dude treated Scout like a weird meowing anomaly and we have no idea if he’s ever been around kittens before, but he definitely wasn’t too pissed off. Scout, on the other hand, was raising her hair and hissing a bit (probably because she’s a total badass and had to assert her dominance to the bigger cat). However, when I was getting ready this morning they were chasing each other like old friends and I’m pretty sure they’re going to get along just fine.

Kittens aren’t easy but they’re easier than puppies and WAY easier than babies so we’re pretty confident that the newest addition to our household was the right choice. And so long as the Dude doesn’t take to using Scout as a punching bag, I think we’ll all be one happy family!

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