Small World

May 23, 2011 at 11:47 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

If you’re reading this, congratulations on being such a sinner that the Rapture passed you by.  Knowing that I wasn’t one to be sucked up into space, I spent my Saturday evening at a Rapture Party with some friends.  Nothing special, just a bit of drinking, hanging out and enjoying our current heathen status.  It was especially enjoyable because the party was a mere 10 minute walk from my place, whereas I’d have had to take a bus, a train and a walk to get there from my old apartment.  Yay for living in a neighborhood near friends!

Small and creepy

Anyway, while I was at said party I had one of those experiences that makes you just stop and say, “It really is a small world”.  Perhaps it had to do with the end of the world and all but in reality it was probably just a very strange coincidence.  A group of us were hanging out in the living room when one girl suddenly looked at me rather strangely and asked if I had lived with a dark-headed gay guy in college.  I answered in the affirmative and then she asked if we used to put beer and ice in our washing machine in the basement during parties.  Again, I answered  yes and while I was accepting praise for having concocted such an ingenious way to distribute beer, I asked her exactly how she knew that.  Apparently this girl used to attend random parties we threw at my very first college apartment, back in the heyday of 2004.  We then figured out that she was dating the roommate of a guy I…well, a guy I knew for a bit.  I’d expand on that but my mom reads my blog.

Anyway, it was a bit strange once we put all this together.  The fact that this girl who had played beer pong on my basement door seven years ago eventually evolved into a girl I was drinking beer with 200 miles from where we first met was interesting indeed.  It was by no means the most random coincidence I’ve experienced in my life but it was close enough to give me pause.  And cause the Disney song “It’s a Small World” to be stuck in my head for the rest of the night.

(Semi-interesting story: I auditioned for a play once upon a time – the one and only play I’ve ever auditioned for.  It was a musical and even at the tender age of 9, I should’ve known better.  During the audition, I had to sing “It’s a Small World” and…I forgot the words.  All of them.  I froze and then tried to start over, but not before realizing I had just killed any and all chances of ever performing on stage.  I did not get the part).

Sometimes it really is a small, small world.

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