Rock Out

July 15, 2011 at 10:04 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

So I saw a concert last night (yes, on a school work night).  I haven’t been to a show in a while and I’d never been to Northerly Island, the little peninsula in downtown Chicago where this action was taking place.  We saw Sublime with Rose (who may not be Brad Nowell but sounds an awful lot like he did) and 311 (who’s lead singer is much more attractive than I was expecting, causing a bit of a distraction).  The group I was with had tickets in the bleachers and while this hindered our dance moves, it did not stop them entirely.  One $11 beer and a beautiful sunset over the city later and we were ready to rock.

Sweet Home Chicago

The show was pretty damn awesome.  Sublime pulled out many old favorites that I sang along to as well as some of their newer stuff that I’m not so familiar with.  They played for about an hour before calling it quits, which gave us enough time to grab snacks and beverages while trying to find some old friends.  People watching was optimal as there were many super wasted dudes and dudettes stumbling around, so that provided nice halftime entertainment.  Then the headliner, 311, came on stage.  They seriously rocked.  In fact, the lead singer changed his shirt probably 4 times because he was jumping around and sweating so much.  I’d never seen 311 live and they put on a really great set – the lights were especially cool and they absolutely knew how to work their crowd.  That show as apparently also being filmed for TV so the cameras caused the crowds to be especially rowdy, which was also quite entertaining.

We also couldn’t have asked for better weather.  I was more than comfortable in just jeans and a tank top and there was not a drop of rain in the sky.  The breeze from the lake was nice and the full moon that came out when the sun went down just added to the general awesomeness of the evening.

In conclusion, go see live music.  Especially in Chicago!

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