Giving Thanks

November 23, 2009 at 3:15 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

Today seems as good a day as any to count my blessings.  It’s Thanksgiving week and on Wednesday I will be flying to Baton Rouge to experience the holiday with the southern side of my family (this trip will be entertaining enough to warrant a completely separate post, which I will create at a later date).  As I prepare for my trip, I’m reminded of my Thanksgiving last year…you know, before I was dumped.  My ex was with me on the trip so of course I’ll be thinking about that this week, as much as I don’t really want to (it’s funny how those thoughts you try to steer clear of like to pop into your head at the most inopportune times).  I’m trying to stay positive but it’s not so easy when your heart was recently treated like a cheap pinata.  In an attempt to look on the bright side, here are some of the things that, even when I’m down, I’m still really and truly thankful for.

My family is a far cry from the Brady Bunch but I still think they’re pretty great.  I grew up surrounded by my mom’s many brothers and sisters, not to mention my grandparents and all of my cousins.  I think we’re pretty close and I really look at my cousins as additional siblings who I don’t have to buy birthday presents for.  My actual sibling is pretty cool too, although it took me many years and numerous fights and a broken arm to believe it.  My mom is probably the best mom on the planet and I really do think I lucked out in that department.  My cousins and grandparents on my dad’s side are pretty great too, though I only see them once a year.  My dad…well, if you really know me then you’re aware I have a lot to say on this subject.  My dad is a better father than many men, but he is certainly not the guy I grew up believing he was.

I’m still incredibly lucky to have them all.  Both sets of my grandparents have been married for over 50 years and all four of them are relatively healthy and still quite “with it”, well into their 80’s.  So it looks like I’ve good genes to be thankful for too!  Really though, my grandparents are especially dear to me because they have taught me valuable lessons about what it means to be a family.  So, every day I’m super thankful for all of these people.

I’m also extremely thankful for my amazing friends.  This break-up has really proven to me that I have fabulous people in my life who care about me, even if we’re not related.  They may not all be close but I know they’re there for me if and when I need them.  I’m also meeting some pretty cool cats here in the city and I’m excited to hang out with them more as well.  The more the merrier, right?  Right.

I’m also thankful for my job.  I may feel like this poor woman at times, but I’ve got a solid position that I don’t totally hate.  I’m also good at it, because managing an office seems to agree with my organized nature.  I get along well with the people that I work with (and I know how rare that is) and there’s often enough down time to allow me to play on the internets and post blogs when I want.  It’s not always exciting but I do see the difference in the kids that come to our learning center, and that’s really rewarding.  When you see a child suffering from low self esteem because they lack the proper reading skills for someone their age, only to watch them learn and grow and leave our program with a new attitude towards life…yeah, it makes it worth getting out of bed at 6am and dealing with the commute.  Usually.  But really, I remember the two month period after I moved up here when I was unemployed, and I remember how horribly awful that felt.  I’m so glad I have a job that allows me to pay my bills.

I know this is a post about being thankful, but I want to take just a moment and lament the whole paying bills thing.  I kinda sorta hate it, and it’s when I’m writing checks for things like electricity that I realize sometimes being a grown up sucks.  But there’s more to be thankful for!

Paying bills may not be fun but it enables me to have things like this:

What’s that, you say?  A tree?  A door?  Well actually this is the google street view to my apartment building.  I’m not worried about some crazy stalker hunting me down because this looks just like hundreds of other apartment buildings in the city.  The difference is this is my apartment, and after spending 9 months living with my ex and his parents, I know what a truly glorious thing this is.  I’m thankful I have an entire refridgerator all to myself.  I’m thankful I can walk around naked and dance to records while eating cold pizza and chugging soda from the bottle.  Most of all, I’m thankful to have my own place.  Well technically I guess I share it with Catsby…I guess I should really get on her about her half of the rent.  I’m even thankful I have a freeloading cat.

I’m also VERY thankful for my health.  It seems to be something we take for granted a lot, and I really try not to.  I know how lucky I am to simply be able to take care of myself and move around freely and not have any sort of medical condition that makes living day to day life any harder than it already is.  I’m thankful I’m as strong if not stronger than Rosie the Riveter.  I’m thankful I have health insurance, so if I do get sick I will (hopefully) not go into mass amounts of debt over medical bills.  I’m also extremely thankful that, for the most part at least, all of my friends and family are healthy as well.  Seriously, it’s kind of a big deal and I try not to forget it!

Other things I’m thankful for, in no particular order:

Being female; living in a country that allows me religous and intellectual freedom, even as a female; books and my ability to read them; ice cream; classic rock; the color yellow; having a cat that is waiting at the door for me every night when I come home even if she doesn’t contribute financially; my boobs (we’ve been through a lot together and I happen to think they’re pretty great); the big giant bed and living room couches I managed to get for free; wine; my cell phone and the fact it enables me to keep in contact with those I love; getting free beer at a bar; readily available vegetarian food; the DVD boxset of my favorite show of all time (name withheld to protect my reputation); cheese and my pajama’s.  There are many more things I’m thankful for, but I think this list is enough to get me through the rest of the week.  Ultimately I’m thankful that I’m me, because I think I’m pretty awesome – and I have the blog to prove it!

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